Saturday, January 27, 2007

"Wondering" Through Winter

Winter is my favorite season of the year.

I love the bone chilling temperatures and the icy wind that threatens to take my breath away. I wait with childlike anticipation for the crusty leaves of fall to make their spiraling journey to the sleepy, stone bed that we call Earth.

It thrills my soul to see those stately trees standing there strong even when they have been stripped of their glory. Their gnarled fingers taunt me as they beckon a recognition of God's presence.
If God takes the old away from the trees to make way for the new after Winter, then does He not do the same for me?
I want to stand like those trees--stripped of my glory, beckoning others to recognize God's presence in my life. I don't want the credit for them seeing His presence. I just want to make my Father smile because of my obedience.
I have felt a little bit cheated this Winter because our snowfall has amounted to about 1/2 an inch. I find myself in that perpetual cycle of begging God for snow! Snow, like rain, brings refreshment and cleansing.
Many people consider Winter the end of all things good. I choose to see it as the beginning of all the best. It takes us back to the basics and we start things at scratch again. With Winter, comes the promise of a new beginning. As a believer, it gives me hope that I can be forgiven, stripped of all the ugliness, and made pure again to walk in the light of the Lord.
I'm still praying for that cleansing snowfall that will not only purify me, but will also give me a few extra hours in my warm bed. Mostly though I pray that God sees my life as a tried and true testimony of my love for Him. [copyrighted,TNTNKY,2007]


Anonymous said...

TNT: Isn't it amazing how great the Lord is? From changing seasons, leafless trees, and visions of cleansing whiter than Snow, we are reminded of our Lord, our God? No matter how many times we fail and try again, He's always True to us. May He reveal His presence in your life today in such a way you are compelled to tell us of your day and what ya'll did together. May His grace be sufficient and abound. SelahV

TNT said...

Thanks for your comment and your support. I truly want to bring glory to God each time that I write. You have been a real inspiration to me.

Ramblin' Rose said...

Dear TNT,

What a lovely post!

I have to admit, I don't look forward to Winter. You have made it sound beautiful looking through your eyes though. I have noticed the leafless tree limbs look like they are reaching heavenward in praise to God.

I certainly recognize God's presence in your life just by reading your spirit-filled writing. I look forward to future posts, and I will be adding you to my links. Thank you for linking to me.

I hope you get more snow soon. We have already had more snow in Oklahoma this year than we normally have in several years. I love the snow, but I'm always ready to see it go too. :)

Blessings to you,

Anonymous said...

TNT: I have no doubts you will make "glorifying God" a reality, dear friend. The pleasure and joy you give to me is beyond any teensey effort I've made on your behalf, my love.

I cannot pass a scraggly stripped tree now, without thinking of my need to allow God to take away the deadness in me to make room for His Newness. I can hardly wait till Spring and see what you'll have to share. SelahV