Thursday, May 3, 2007

Childhood Friendship

Have you ever known a person that didn't disappoint you? I have...

Once upon a time, I met a friend that was truer than a brother. He soared into my life for a very short season, and impacted me in a million different ways. Chad became the brother I never had. He also turned out to be the one person who truly never disappointed me.

Many years ago, I pinpointed the exact source of our connection. It had to be God. He knew that our hearts would have to be connected across great distance and time. I consider this the one perfect friendship I have had. I loved Chad because he first loved me. He put no conditions on our relationship, and that made "playing the game" with him so much easier.

Even as young as we were, our thoughts and words were deep. Our friendship was the best kept secret in our little country church. If people had known, they would have never understood. People in a small town simply do not understand that a boy and girl can be best friends. He drew pictures of dogs and trees for me. I wrote poetry for him. After reading my poems he always said, "You make a grown boy like me cry." I think the words were always etched on his heart. Once, he drew a picture of a tree with the sun shining bright behind it. I said, "I've never seen this tree before." Chad's beautiful reply was, "You will when we live side by side in Heaven." I regret that I have lost the picture, but the memory is so very vivid. That tree has been planted in Heaven.

There are so many things I wish I had told him. But, what could I have told him that he didn't already know? Our feelings were sealed deep inside us long ago. Besides, I wouldn't have wanted to disappoint him. I'm glad that Chad had only good things to meditate on concerning me. I praise God that Chad remembered me in my youth. I rejoice over the exuberant joy I feel when I think of him now. I am deeply moved when I close my eyes and God affords me the opportunity to come face to face with my friend--my childhood friend.


Anonymous said...

His love for you never changed. He always remembered you. And I look forward to whatever we will all do together in Heaven someday. Thanks my friend...I wish I could have seen the picture. selahV

Anonymous said...

Hi TNT...I'm tagging you for more info about yourself. see my blog on being tagged. selahV