Experiences found true by trial and error. Certainty in my Savior, Jesus, Who is Eternally True.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Obsessed or Devoted?
I have been told that there is a thin line between obsession and devotion. People say that obsession is just beyond the brink of sanity. I acknowledge their wisdom, but I am still willing to share a few of the obsessions in my life--chocolate, cappaccino, snow, and WONDER WOMAN.
If we were to step back in time to when I was about 8 years old, you would find me in front of the television. I was totally fascinated and mesmerized by Diana Prince (a.k.a. Wonder Woman). She had so many endearing qualities! Who wouldn't be captivated? With each and every episode, Diana Prince shed her serious, business-like persona and was transformed into a legendary heroine. I, for one, longed to be just like her. This longing was so strong that I even insisted on dressing as Wonder Woman on Halloween one year. I had the cheap mask that absolutely smothered me. I wore the plastic costume that was an extremely pitiful imitation of the real thing. Sadly, there was no truth lasso with the costume.
Wonder Woman's character was based on good overcoming evil. My obsession with her was rooted in the qualities and capabilities that allowed her to truly overcome evil--every time. That's one of the things that I loved about her...she never lost.
My favorite part of every episode was when she captured the bad guy and forced him to tell the truth. How did she do this? Why, she used her truth lasso, of course! No one could fight off the power of Wonder Woman's golden truth lasso. I suppose that thoughts of the lasso bring me to the point of true confession.
Although some will say that obsession carries a negative, unhealthy stigma, I do not believe that I was unrealistic about who and what Wonder Woman was. However, I was obsessed and with that realization, it allows me to analyze my character a bit. Have I ever been obsessed with God? Do I desire to wrap myself in His truth? Would I fight to the death to spend time with Him? Do I dwell on His goodness--His desire to overcome evil? Am I humbled by His power?
Almost everything that I have ever been obsessed with could be catergorized as things I could live without. These obsessions--these desires of my heart only bring temporary satisfaction. The TRUTH is, all of those obsessions only lead to loneliness and misery. Perhaps, I can conclude that obsession is a bit unhealthy!
Webster defines devotion as, "An act of personal worship apart from that which takes place in a congregation." God requires a sacrificial, committed heart from me, and I've known that since I was 7 years old when I gave my life to Christ. Why do I have such a difficult time being good to the One who gives me everything? The very air I breathe, the job I love, the family that I adore, and the eternal life of a royal heir. He is so good to me. He is so devoted to me. I must confess that He is something that I really can't live without. That is precisely what separates obsession from devotion for me.
Wonder Woman has been resting in the caverns of my memory for several years now. My obsession was laid to rest when something more exciting came along. For the life of me, I can't really remember what that something was. If I could allow that obsession to be replaced so easily, was it really worth anything to begin with? Should I have ever had the desire to be just like her? I pray that God would fill me with the desire to be just like Christ. I can spend my life chasing after obsessions, or I can come clean and give God the devotion that He so urgently deserves.
II Chronicles 16:9 states, "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the Earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." Oh, that He would rest His heavenly eyes upon me and find me not obsessed, but fully devoted to Him. May I be the kind of "wonder woman" that He has called me to be--not the kind that feeds on the world's obsessions. [copyrighted, TNTNKY, 2007]
TNT: This post is DYNAMITE! It explodes with everything God wants us to be. How slowly you lit the fuse. How mesmerizing it was to follow its trail of fire to the explosion in the summary of your words. God bless you my dear gifted sister and friend. You are such a wonder...a woman...a blessing. selahV
I agree with Selah...this post is dynamic...very powerful.
The Lord has gifted you with a wonderful writing talent TNT, much like someone else I know. Are you sure you're not Selah's daughter? :)
God bless,
Oh dear Rose: Yes, she is. A very dear daughter in the Lord. Has been since the first day I saw her watching over her sister in the hospital in 1981 during an emergency appendectomy. SelahV
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